About him
Hi there. I'm me. I'm unique. I'm a fun, friendly, intelligent, articulate guy with a GSOH.
I know where I'm going in life + I know how to get there.
I've been told by various women that I'm attractive: nice eyes, attractive face, nice butt + legs having been particularly mentioned.
I consider myself to be: good company; a stimulating + a varied conversationalist; v.open minded + non judgmental; multi-layered but a good communicator combined with empathy, emotional intelligence + self awareness; kind, caring, warm, genuine, open, honest + upfront; energetic; feisty but fun; passionate + romantic.
I also consider myself to be: wise beyond my years but youthful in mind + spirit.
I'm always up for + very open to trying something new + different.
I absolutely sparkle in the right company.
Anything else you possibly need to know about me, please don't + never, ever be afraid to ask. I certainly won't be offended, I gladly welcome it. You only need to ask, please feel free = I'm open, honest, willing + waiting for you. I'll be very happy to reply.
If you don't ask...
What have you got to lose?
...And everything to gain.
Fortune favours the brave.
Carpe diem.
I sincerely hope + want to hear from you soon + I look forward to it.
Regards + respect,
Love + light,
SoaringPhoenix1 XXX
About his ideal match
Ideally, I'm looking for a woman aged 18-40 who is: intelligent; articulate; attractive, sexy + beautiful (to me); passionate; flirtatious; fun loving + outgoing with GSOH.
I'm looking for spark/chemistry/connection/mutual physical attraction.
A best friend, companion, lover, soulmate + a kindred free spirit all rolled into one. Compatibility on a multitude of levels: emotionally, mentally, intellectually, physical attractiveness, sexually + spiritually.
Ideally I'm looking for an equal, mutually supportive, synergistic relationship with a woman with an interest in mutual growth + progress so that we can help each other to: grow even more than we've done already; become even more self aware; strengthen, improve + flower even more; fully develop + enhance our full, beautiful, unique potential = to shine like we were meant to shine + like we know we can.
As well as the above, my wish/dream (unrealistic, utopian fantasy?!!!) match would be: someone who challenges my mind + body; anything but bland; sociable; highly intelligent + articulate; a stimulating + varied conversationalist as well as someone who can have a damn good laugh + doesn't take themselves too seriously; colourful; charismatic; vibrant/vivacious; v.adventurous + v.open minded; energetic; passionate; sensual; affectionate; romantic; naughty; flirtatious; multi faceted; open; honest; caring; kind; loving; independant + independant minded; self aware; emotionally intelligent; empathetic; have a rapier sharp wit + mind, a lightness of being, a 'je ne sais quoi' + a 'joie de vivre' factor. A glass half full type of person.
I particularly like women with piercings + tasteful tattoos, though not exclusively. I like a rock chick/goth/alternative look though not exclusively.
However, I am v.open minded + Equal Opps applies (!!!) because life can be random, unpredictable + full of surprises. Life is a source of infinite possiblities + an exact match on paper is gonna be pretty damn difficult + very limiting!